Episode #7: Josh chooses experience over vanity and lives his best life in a van

I had the pleasure of sitting down and getting to know Josh. Josh is one of those people who you know right off the bat is a beautiful soul in which you want to get to know on a deeper level.

Thankfully, Josh helped remind me that opportunity is so easily followed by living the van life as you can literally just start driving towards your dreams at any time. It is inspiring to see Josh following his dreams and consciously creating his ideal adventurous life admits all the barriers and pressures of our societal norms. 

Your going to want to listen to the full episode to hear Josh's story. 

Josh's insta: @joshmackenz

Nikky insta: @veeweethevanagon

Om Podcasten

Curious about the humans living life from a van? Want to hear the untold stories from the road? Tune into this podcast to hear the most diverse, raw, unfiltered, profound and intriguing stories of the humans who are living this lifestyle. * Every podcast is recorded & edited on the road*