Mental health – it’s okay not to be okay

October 10 is World Mental Health Day and conveys the message: It’s okay not to be okay.  It is initiated by World Health Organization (WHO) and marked globally. The objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues and mobilize efforts in support of mental health.But why should an aluminium and energy company care about mental health? Listen to Head of Occupational Health in Hydro, Hilde Vatslid,  Head of Human Resources in Hydro’s Energy business area Nina Thue and host Anders Vindegg discuss the importance of mental health in the workplace in this Hydro Talks podcast.“Mental health is essential for our overall well-being. When we as a company provide a healthy work environment, it benefits both our employees as individuals and the organization as a whole. When we feel mentally well, we are more productive and have increased resilience to handle , for instance, stress,” Hilde Vatslid says. Hydro wants to increase diversity in the company, and diversity is more than just gender and the color of our skin. It also captures the differences we cannot see. Mental health being one example. 

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Industry and the modern dilemmas: Hydro Talks sets out to explore the modern dilemmas for industry and the society. How can we create a more viable society? How can we produce better while consuming less? What should investors expect? What kind of technology and innovation can we implement to work smarter? In Hydro Talks we try to make sense out of these dilemmas. Hydro Talks is a podcast from the global aluminium and energy company Hydro, with 30,000 employees in 40 countries on all continents, committed to a sustainable future. Find out more about us and what we do on