Social responsibility and the global company

How does a Norway-based company with 34,000 employees operating in 40 countries around the world meet social responsibility challenges and obligations? Nina Schefte, Head of Social Responsibility in Hydro, and Beate Ekeløv-Slydal, political advisor with Amnesty International Norway, recently sat down for a Hydro Talks podcast to discuss the dilemmas in doing business in different countries and cultures. “ESG – environment, social and governance – is an important, growing area for busine...

Om Podcasten

Industry and the modern dilemmas: Hydro Talks sets out to explore the modern dilemmas for industry and the society. How can we create a more viable society? How can we produce better while consuming less? What should investors expect? What kind of technology and innovation can we implement to work smarter? In Hydro Talks we try to make sense out of these dilemmas. Hydro Talks is a podcast from the global aluminium and energy company Hydro, with 30,000 employees in 40 countries on all continents, committed to a sustainable future. Find out more about us and what we do on