Behind the Hyphenated: Bloopers and Outtakes

Hyphenated producer Kevin shares a series of deleted conversations and funny moments that were cut out from the (almost) 100 prior episodes, including when Johanna and Jenny talk about why they’re glad they were average looking when they were kids, reveal the times they feel they might've been bullies to others, Joanna schools Kevin on the difference between an elevator and an escalator, and Jenny has to stop recording because she found out her fans think she had a secret baby.

Om Podcasten

Comedy stars Joanna Hausmann and Jenny Lorenzo host an English-language podcast about living in the hyphen that connects American and Latin culture. As American Latinas, they have crafted their comedy around what it means to be bicultural. Every week, Joanna and Jenny have hilarious and thought-provoking conversations about the particularities of being hyphenated. New episodes every Thursday.