#16 Ego, Truth, The Illusion

This is a super quick 12 minute listen to break free of a very important issue that many buy into or fall into the trap of repression. The EGO! Ahhhhhhhhh that dirty horrible word? Ermmm...no....not quite, I’m not here to say if it’s bad or not, instead I give you a different solution and lift the illusionary veil of how many try to repress your personal power by throwing around the word Ego. Let me speak my truth and see how you feel about it. Feel free to comment, ‘like’ pass on to your friends and visit my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/josephsfanpage Oh I want to give a shout out to all who commenting on my facebook page and the wonderful advice you gave me on geting rid of the dreaded flu! It means a lot to me, as you may tell with my voice on this iTunes podcast I’m still under the weather, but getting on top of the weather with each day ;) Oh Oh you can listen to this on iTunes here too :) Speak soon, Your friend Joseph Clough Hypnosis CDS and MP3 downloads here

Om Podcasten

Joseph Clough, a British Celebrity Hypnotist and Bestselling Hay House Author. He lives in San Diego, California. He struggled with "Imposter Syndrome", worry and doubts for 18 years and overcame it with what you are about to experience. With over 19,000,000+ downloads/views and listened to in 157 countries around the world, now is your time to achieve success...because you deserve it. Disclaimer: By using Joseph Clough's free or paid work you expressly agree that your use of this App is at your sole risk. The information, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner. Any decision you make having received any of our products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take and you accept full responsibility for any and all effects arising from the hypnosis and coaching sessions.