#173 Remove Negative Labels

I want to explain to you the vital importance of letting go of negative labels.   These labels can be about ourselves, or even about the world.    For example:   "I'm not good enough."  "It is hard to make money." "I'm unable to have healthy relationships." "The worlds a mean place."     I used to have lots of labels like those and they stopped me in the past from being my potential.      However, when I released them, my life began to soar, and each day now I experience feelings of passion, drive and self-worth in everything I do. This video is for those who experience: Limiting beliefs of not being good enough or worthy.  Fear or anxiety. Self-doubt. Negative self-talk. Fear of what other people think. Or if you have any limiting thoughts or perception about yourself or life.   Flash Sale I was thinking about my own personal progress today.    I was in debt. I was overweight and felt ill. I had low self-esteem. I experience crippling anxiety. I was in a bad relationships.   All in all, I was in a dark place.    I was at the point that something had to change and I knew it wasn't the outside world, but instead the inside world of ME!   So I went on a journey of self discovery, I dedicated my life and time to figuring out what works and more importantly want doesn't work.    Then I stumped upon this "thing" that generates results, that manifests success and almost on autopilot.    That "thing" was my unconscious mind.   Simply put:   It manifests what you want with the right conviction and instructions.  Today, I'm letting you in on not 1, 2, or 3, not even 4, BUT 5 hypnosis tracks to manifest your desires for the crazy huge, incredibly mammoth price of $2.99. click here to learn more     That wasn't a mistake of a decimal point, so NOT $299, only $2.99.    ------------------------------------ 24 HOUR FLASH SALE.  5 TRACKS FOR $2.99 ------------------------------------   Why not check it out here. You will be glad you did!  Your manifestation awaits!

Om Podcasten

Joseph Clough, a British Celebrity Hypnotist and Bestselling Hay House Author. He lives in San Diego, California. He struggled with "Imposter Syndrome", worry and doubts for 18 years and overcame it with what you are about to experience. With over 19,000,000+ downloads/views and listened to in 157 countries around the world, now is your time to achieve success...because you deserve it. Disclaimer: By using Joseph Clough's free or paid work you expressly agree that your use of this App is at your sole risk. The information, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner. Any decision you make having received any of our products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take and you accept full responsibility for any and all effects arising from the hypnosis and coaching sessions.