274 - Take Charge Of Your Mental Health - Challenge Week 1

Welcome to a transformative episode of "Your Absolute Mind." Today I wanted to challenge the notion of mental health as an uncontrollable force, shedding light on our potential influence over it. Our mental health isn't just a product of uncontrollable factors; our habits, activities, and lifestyle choices play a pivotal role too. With an insightful garden analogy, I hope to inspire you to take proactive steps towards nurturing your mental wellbeing. The episode concludes with a simple yet impactful hydration challenge that underscores the power of small, consistent actions. So, join me on this empowering journey towards mental wellness, where you aren't just a passenger, but an active participant. And, I'll run another small but powerful challenge each week for the next 5 weeks giving you small steps to become mentally healthy.

Om Podcasten

Become Mentally Healthy with Your Absolute Mind: Mental health tips, tools and strategies to allow you to become mentally healthy. Including hypnotherapy and meditation as part of the growing proven toolkit to improve your mind health. Within each podcast, we aim to offer practical tips and tools to help you on your path to becoming mentally healthy, become more mindful and assist you in overcoming an ever-growing variety of mental issues that affect people's lives. "We believe we can transform the world by inspiring, educating and motivating people to become mentally healthy."