279 - Discovering the Power of Nose Breathing for Mental Health

In this episode of Your Absolute Mind, we venture into a topic often overlooked yet incredibly powerful - nose breathing. I will guide you through the compelling differences between nose and mouth breathing, and how making this tiny change can significantly benefit your mental health. Together, we'll uncover the science in a simple, digestible manner, emphasizing the systemic benefits of increased nitric oxide levels through nose breathing. We'll also touch on how adopting this habit can enhance your meditation, self-hypnosis, and relaxation practices. Tune in to explore how such a small change can be the start of experiencing your mental health journey in a more profound manner. Remember, it's all about taking small steps towards becoming mentally healthy!

Om Podcasten

Become Mentally Healthy with Your Absolute Mind: Mental health tips, tools and strategies to allow you to become mentally healthy. Including hypnotherapy and meditation as part of the growing proven toolkit to improve your mind health. Within each podcast, we aim to offer practical tips and tools to help you on your path to becoming mentally healthy, become more mindful and assist you in overcoming an ever-growing variety of mental issues that affect people's lives. "We believe we can transform the world by inspiring, educating and motivating people to become mentally healthy."