100. Jess Jones - I am. I have

Jess Jones is an award winning blogger, mental health activist,  motivational comedian and author of the brand new and very brilliant book Own It: How To Build Confidence, Completely Love yourself and Embrace Your Body. Hers is the relatable voice we all need right now! Find out more about Jess Buy Jess' book Own It: How To Build Confidence, Completely Love Yourself and Embrace Your Body. Getting help Find more information on mental health helplines here For information about private online counselling and therapists visit counselling-directory.org.uk If you need to speak to someone immediately, the Samaritans are available 24-hours a day on 116 123 and you can also email jo@samaritans.org Download the Happiful App here

Om Podcasten

We are all individuals and it’s time for us to find what works for us. In our podcast, Happiful: Finding What Works, host Kat Nicholls talks to wellness professionals and those with lived experience to understand what it means for something to ‘work’ and the steps we can take to find what works for us. Subscribe today and join us every Wednesday as we find what works, together.