099: Tiktok Phenom Lisa Sonni chats narc abuse and how to beat ’em
Naja chats with TikTok phenom Lisa Sonni. As a survivor of domestic assault and narcissistic abuse, her first-hand experience has led her to become a certified Life & Relationship Coach who helps clients of all genders and walks of life overcome challenges stemming from traumatic partnerships. She is the author of The Trauma Bond Recovery Journal, The Self-Love Reflection Journal and the Trauma Bond Recovery Course, a 12-week online course that guides you through the exact steps to break free from these abusive cycles. Watch this episode on youtube: https://youtu.be/fo5UhBlUy1A Please follow Lisa EVERYWHERE! Website: StrongerThanBefore.ca TikTok: @_Stronger_Than_Before_ IG: @_Stronger_Than_Before_Coach_ YT: Stronger Than Before