As real as it gets: TEFL in Los Angeles

Imagine your first ever teaching experience was in a purpose-built Korean village, where everything was in English. Even if you’ve worked on film or TV sets, or in the entertainment industry in some form, it’d be quite a jarring experience.Well, that’s what happened to Angie White, our next guest, who decided to explore the world of TEFL teaching after some time working in Hollywood. Our second on-location interview in LA, we discuss first lesson nerves, exploring cultural and family heritage...

Om Podcasten

Hello, and welcome to ‘I Taught English Abroad’, a podcast series by the TEFL Org. If ‘I Taught English Abroad’ sounds like a simple idea, then it’s because it is. As the world’s most accredited TEFL provider, we at The TEFL Org know that our students can go on to have incredible experiences, whether they teach in classrooms in far reaches of the globe, or online from the comfort of their homes. Whether these students teach online or overseas, one vital fact remains the same: it’s utterly life-changing.