Comfort in the unknown: turning down Seoul for smalltown Korea

When it came time to pick somewhere to live and teach in South Korea, Ilsa Strough had loads of options. Seoul and Busan, for example, represent two buzzing, sprawling choices where expat communities are widespread and jobs are plentiful. Except, doing the expected isn’t exactly Ilsa’s way.Hear about how she built an online audience, inspired countless others and fought against the stares and the culture shock of moving to rural South Korea and becoming a popular, talented TEFL talent.Content...

Om Podcasten

Hello, and welcome to ‘I Taught English Abroad’, a podcast series by the TEFL Org. If ‘I Taught English Abroad’ sounds like a simple idea, then it’s because it is. As the world’s most accredited TEFL provider, we at The TEFL Org know that our students can go on to have incredible experiences, whether they teach in classrooms in far reaches of the globe, or online from the comfort of their homes. Whether these students teach online or overseas, one vital fact remains the same: it’s utterly life-changing.