How TEFL started a journey to every peak, every nation and both poles

Johnny Ward is a one-of-a-kind. Growing up poor in Ireland, Johnny made it his mission to make a career out of doing things that he loved. To say he succeeded is an understatement; Johnny’s been to every nation on earth, climbed the highest peaks, rowed across the Atlantic, visited both Poles, dodged bullets in warzones, lived it up in Turkmenistan and so, so much more - and it all began with TEFL.Trust us: this episode has everything, from a trip to Afghanistan to climbing Everest, as well a...

Om Podcasten

Hello, and welcome to ‘I Taught English Abroad’, a podcast series by the TEFL Org. If ‘I Taught English Abroad’ sounds like a simple idea, then it’s because it is. As the world’s most accredited TEFL provider, we at The TEFL Org know that our students can go on to have incredible experiences, whether they teach in classrooms in far reaches of the globe, or online from the comfort of their homes. Whether these students teach online or overseas, one vital fact remains the same: it’s utterly life-changing.