Finding The Beauty In Adversity with Diane Dewey

We all experience adversity in some shape or form, but if we don't acknowledge it, we stop ourselves from seeing the beauty in what it taught us  Diane Dewey never expected that she would meet her biological parents in her late 40s. She was led to believe her entire life that they were both dead. She immediately got the urge to know them more so she could learn more about her roots and confront past trauma and beliefs of not being enough after being abandoned by her biological parents.Diane believes that it is only when we acknowledge a troubled past that we are then able to move on and heal for a better future. In this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, Diane and I talk about what it was like finding out her biological parents were still alive, how we’re too caught up in the hustle and bustle that we forget to keep ourselves in check, and why intuition is one of our greatest gifts.

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Rock Thomas has impacted over 100 million lives as seen on GoalCast. He is a bestselling author, and motivational speaker with over 30 years of experience in personal development and coaching. From humble beginnings on a small Canadian farm near Montréal, Rock Thomas became a self-made millionaire and devoted himself to helping others learn the power of their identity so they too can ROCK THEIR MONEY & ROCK THEIR LIFE.