From NFL Athlete To Multi-Million Dollar Entrepreneur with Chris Gronkowski

Are you burnt out from running your own business? Often when people start a business, they find it hard to look outside for help due to fear and a lack of trust. What they don’t know is that they could be missing out on opportunities of a lifetime.Chris Gronkowski grew up living and breathing football and quickly made his way to playing for the NFL.He made a career for himself as a professional football player, playing for the Dallas Cowboys, Indianapolis Colts, and Denver Broncos as a fullback. But his most daunting life challenge came after football, when he became an entrepreneur, learned to ask for help, and put together a badass business team. On this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, Chris and I discuss how he transitioned from being an NFL Athlete to being an entrepreneur, how growing up in a sports family environment pushed him to have an extremely strong work ethic, and why constantly working hard is not sustainable in the long run.

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Rock Thomas has impacted over 100 million lives as seen on GoalCast. He is a bestselling author, and motivational speaker with over 30 years of experience in personal development and coaching. From humble beginnings on a small Canadian farm near Montréal, Rock Thomas became a self-made millionaire and devoted himself to helping others learn the power of their identity so they too can ROCK THEIR MONEY & ROCK THEIR LIFE.