How To Rapidly Transform Your Life with Rock Thomas

What are you doing to grow and improve your life?We all want to be the best version of ourselves, make more money, and have better and more intimate relationships.Now, think about highly successful people like athletes and entertainers. They all want to improve their craft, so how do they do it? A common denominator with them is that they all have coaches, mentors, or others experienced in their field.These coaches and mentors can give them feedback and hold them accountable for growing and improving. When you work with someone with more experience than you who has accomplished what you wish to accomplish, you can shave weeks, months, or even years off your learning curve.In this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I talk about why you’re not succeeding in your life and business, why everyone needs a coach or mentor in their lives, and how my 90 Day Fully Expressed Challenge can help you achieve fast and long-lasting changes in your everyday life.

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Rock Thomas has impacted over 100 million lives as seen on GoalCast. He is a bestselling author, and motivational speaker with over 30 years of experience in personal development and coaching. From humble beginnings on a small Canadian farm near Montréal, Rock Thomas became a self-made millionaire and devoted himself to helping others learn the power of their identity so they too can ROCK THEIR MONEY & ROCK THEIR LIFE.