Why Your New Year's Resolutions Won’t Work with Rock Thomas

Did you know that approximately 87% of New Year’s Resolutions fail? At the end of each year, most people get pumped up and motivated to make a change. Some commit to losing weight, some commit to making more money, or eating healthily, or to stop smoking. The list is endless. But why is it that come February, most of those resolutions fall by the wayside? In this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I talk about the 3 things that are missing in people’s lives when they fail their New Year’s Resolutions, why we lose confidence and begin doubting ourselves, and the other (not covid-19) disease that is currently plaguing us.

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Rock Thomas has impacted over 100 million lives as seen on GoalCast. He is a bestselling author, and motivational speaker with over 30 years of experience in personal development and coaching. From humble beginnings on a small Canadian farm near Montréal, Rock Thomas became a self-made millionaire and devoted himself to helping others learn the power of their identity so they too can ROCK THEIR MONEY & ROCK THEIR LIFE.