Cover up with the cover of Allah

Jumuah by Shaykh Ibraheem Menk, Zimbabwe. In this khutbah, the Sheikh talks about the correlation between sinning and repentance.

Exposing our sins voluntarily is the norm of the times we live in. In fact, we brag of our sins with pride and arrogance, not least realising that exposing our sins in the dunya will result in the removal of Allah's cover on the day of Akhirat.

Thus it is necessary that we listen to the respected Sheikh's talk as he shares with us his knowledge regarding this issue. InshaAllah we shall leave this khutbah with realisation and repentance.

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Ibraheem Menk, FREE Audio Podcast brought to you by Muslim Central. Muslim Central is a private Audio Podcast Publisher. Our Audio Library consists of Islamic Lectures, Interviews, Debates and more, with over 100 Speakers and Shows from around the World.