Episode 16: Building With the People

In this episode, Ice and Mick decide to build with their fans as well as discuss the societal tragedies we are all currently facing. They talk about Ferguson, Isis, the need for youth leadership, the murder rate in Chicago, the state of public schools, racism, interracial dating, the need for a new United States constitution, gun control, the ice bucket challenge, police in Japan, and the future of Body Count.


This episode is sponsored by Squarespace and Audible.

Om Podcasten

Ice T and longtime friend, manager and co-host, the one and only Mick Benzo ( Sirius XM’s Zulu Beatz) create the best podcast you have ever heard. This bimonthly show features Ice and Mick’s thoughts on relevant issues, news, video games, politics, behind the scenes of Law & Order: SVU and calls from listeners. They are joined by featured guests from all corners of the entertainment world and also take calls from listeners.