S1 Ep4: Josh Eveson on studying the atmosphere at Halley Research Station

Atmospheric Chemist Josh Eveson joins Rob Taylor to talk about the atmosphere and weather research taking place at Halley Research Station.  More than 30 years after the hole in the ozone layer was first discovered, we find out why the instrument used to discover it is still useful today and what a normal week of research looks like for Josh at one of the most remote research stations in the world.

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Welcome to Antarctica. What's it like living and working in one of the most extreme environments in the world? From polar scientists to plumbers, ICEWORLD is a series of interviews with ordinary people who are doing extraordinary jobs in Antarctica. The team talk climate science, extreme living, expeditions and becoming a community. A podcast from British Antarctic Survey, hosted and recorded by marine biologist Nadia Frontier. Produced in partnership with Boffin Media.