Electrical Storm

Management approach for electrical storm! For a deep dive into EKGs in wide complex tachycardias, take a look at this awesome lecture by Amal Mattu. References to articles mentioned in the podcast: Cheskes et al. Defibrillation Strategies for Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2022 Nov 24;387(21):1947-1956 Ortiz et al. Randomized comparison of intravenous procainamide vs. intravenous amiodarone for the acute treatment of tolerated wide QRS tachycardia: the PROCAMIO study. Eur ...

Om Podcasten

Emergency critical care fundamentals. Visit ICUedu.org for video versions of the talks as well as infographics that can be used as visual aids while listening to the podcasts.