I'm Tired: mentorship and relationships w/ Zac Hendrix

Welcome to Season 2 of the "I'm Tired" podcast💚. Today, host and author Grace Valentine has her fellow 24 year old friend Zac on to talk about his mentee, mentorship, and dating in your twenties. A link to the go fund me discussed: https://www.gofundme.com/f/taeden-johnsons-house-and-family-expenses A link to Grace Valentine's new book "IS IT JUST ME?": https://www.amazon.com/Just-Me-Learning-Middle-Doubts/dp/0785233954/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=is+it+just+me+grace+valentine&qid=1615817324&sprefix=is+it+jus&sr=8-3 A link to Grace Valentine's first book "AM I ENOUGH?": https://www.amazon.com/Am-Enough-Embracing-Truth-About/dp/0785216170/ref=pd_aw_fbte_img_2/133-7082480-2595900?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0785216170&pd_rd_r=8a79fb94-d235-4a08-9599-465e926da57c&pd_rd_w=vOD2I&pd_rd_wg=yKNvT&pf_rd_p=16a91b47-29f0-44ad-9cd6-3a1b8bcc4fa6&pf_rd_r=HPTGEM5M8RGPRV3GRWR3&psc=1&refRID=HPTGEM5M8RGPRV3GRWR3

Om Podcasten

Water Into Wine is your new favorite podcast, hosted by Grace Valentine + Kettley Valcourt. If Kettley and Grace were friends in middle school we alllll know the teacher would separate them because they would talk too much. Grace Valentine, author and speaker desired a space where she could be honest and talk to you like a best friend, which is why she brought in one of her lively besties to co-host. Kettley + Grace hope this podcast can be FUN, an easy listen when you're driving, and a place where you can drink your drinky drink, talk about crazy ex-friends, church hurt, and your classic boy stories (sry we have hormones). Don't forget, Jesus drank wine! ;) And yes, we love Jesus, and we sure do like our wine. But ALL are welcome to share laughs with us. RIP : I'm Tired, ended in 2021, HELLOOO WATER INTO WINE