008: Gynelle Leon. Career Pivots. Self-Confidence

This month we've got the fabulous Gynelle Leon in the hot seat, owner of PRICK – London’s first (and best) cacti and succulents shop - sharing her wisdom on everything from how to navigate a major career pivot, to the ins and outs of running a retail space, and defining your own personal definition of success. Plus – advice on dealing with terrible bosses who throw you under the bus for their mistakes. PRICK: www.prickldn.com Find Gynelle Leon on Instagram (@bowbelle) and Twitter (@bowbelle) For more career-related ideas and advice, join the Women Who community by signing up at www.womenwho.co, or follow @oteghauwagba and @womenwho on Instagram and Twitter.

Om Podcasten

A culture and ideas podcast covering everything from work and feminism, to race and money, hosted by bestselling author Otegha Uwagba, and featuring interviews with some of the most exciting cultural voices of the moment.