Have a struggling reader? Try these tips

What makes learning to read difficult? And how does having dyslexia make it even more challenging? In this episode of “In It,” hosts Gretchen Vierstra and Rachel Bozek welcome literacy expert Louise Baigelman. A former teacher, Louise is the co-founder and CEO of the literacy organization Storyshares. She explains why reading can be so challenging for kids who struggle with dyslexia, and shares tips and strategies to help. Tune in to get Louise’s expert advice on how to help struggling readers.

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Discover In It, a podcast that explores the joys and frustrations of supporting kids with learning disabilities and ADHD. Join hosts Rachel Bozek and Gretchen Vierstra as they talk with parents, caregivers, teachers, and sometimes kids. They offer perspective, advice, and stories for and from people who have challenges with reading, math, focus, and other learning differences. Get tips on parenting kids with learning disabilities like dyslexia.