The “more” kids (from the “Good Inside with Dr. Becky” podcast)
This week on “In It,” we’re sharing an episode of another podcast we love called “Good Inside with Dr. Becky.” The show’s host, Dr. Becky Kennedy, is a clinical psychologist and mom of three. Each week, she talks to parents, experts, and trusted friends and colleagues about strategies and tips for the stickiest parenting situations. We’re sharing an episode called “The ‘more’ kids,” featuring Dr. Becky in conversation with Debbie Reber, the founder of “Tilt Parenting.” The two define what it means to have a “more” kid. These are kids we might describe as “deeply feeling.” From resistance to tears and meltdowns, “more” kids have big reactions, and yes, usually more often. Listen to learn about strategies for navigating life with a “more” kid.