Tessa Thompson and Kalia King

Tessa Thompson has starred in television shows, independent films, and blockbuster Hollywood movies like Selma, Dear White People, Westworld, Thor: Ragnarok, Thor: Love and Thunder, and the Creed trilogy. She is also a producer and entrepreneur as the founder of the production company Viva Maude. She speaks with Proximity Media’s head of television Kalia King about navigating the ins and outs of the entertainment industry including attending general meetings (1:18), the importance of finding your people (7:50), career transitions from acting to producing (10:37), reality TV (13:47), authentic storytelling (19:10), and their Prox Recs (26:55). Learn more and read transcripts at ProximityMedia.com.

Om Podcasten

A podcast about craft, career, and creativity from Proximity Media, the production company that helped bring you Creed III, Judas and the Black Messiah, Space Jam: A New Legacy, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever podcast and soundtrack, and more. New episodes every Sunday.