Season 2: The Return of In The Deep: Stories That Shape Us

Dealing with the growing pains of becoming ourselves - a glorious, unapologetic version of us - can be painful and uncomfortable. And sometimes, life gets really messy even when you’re in the company of your own tribe.  We’ve heard from some incredible people on how they’ve dealt with the blows and twists that life can throw our way. And now, we’re back for Season 2, digging deeper to understand that feeling of otherness we often feel on the road to becoming ourselves, in all our complicated glory.  Join Zach Stafford as he explores the topics of discrimination, family and religion that Black and Latinx people often face. Through these conversations, we continue moving forward with a better understanding of our entire truths - no matter how complex they might be. We move onward to redefine what it means to be ourselves, creating space for others to follow. Listen to the first-hand accounts of people that have overcome extreme hardships, and yet remind us that no matter how difficult the journey, there’s always hope, clarity and health on the other side.See for privacy information.

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We all have a longing to be seen for who we are - even if who we are is more complex and messy to the outside world. In The Deep: Stories that Shape Us, a new podcast from iHeartRadio, shares the first-hand account of Black and Latinx men as they peel back the layers of hardship in a world that doesn’t always see them, all of them, for who they really are. Join host Zach Stafford, as he explores the topics of discrimination, family and religion giving us a better understanding of the difficulties these men face, allowing us to see their entire truths - no matter how complicated they might be. These conversations with thought-leaders, athletes and authors prove that regardless of circumstance, there’s always hope and health on the other side.