Our well being and happiness is a priority and our own responsibility.

Sometimes we can feel our energy being drained in certain situations or when around certain people …. It’s not anyone else’s responsibility to make us feel good … it’s our own responsibility. Recognising the signs and taking action is up to us, and in some cases out of our hands, but this can sometimes be a blessing that just gave us that nudge we needed.

Om Podcasten

In the moment with Mandy is exactly what it says on the tin. Chatting away about the ultimate goal of being happy and having fun in the moment. How I created the life I desire and how amaze the feeling is when you feel aligned and excited about everything and anything. The law of attraction and being truly thankful has played a big part in how I changed my mindset. Believing in myself and not having any limiting beliefs that I used to have is so refreshing and totally energising. I want to share what works for me and hope to inspire others into creating a beautiful happy fun filled life.