InDesignSecrets Podcast 146
Newsbits; Live Captions; Liza Daly interview; Obscurity of the Week: Create Tagged PDF
Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-146.mp3 (21 MB, 38:08 minutes)
See the Show Notes for links mentioned in this episode. The transcript of this podcast will be posted soon.
- Newsbits!
- Print & ePublishing Conference: New HTML5/CSS3/Flash Tutorial day
- James Fritz's InDesignSecrets Live seminar on April 12
- InDesign to EPUB, Kindle, and the iPad, new video tutorials from Anne-Marie
- Catch AM's Hardcore InDesign workshop at the HOW Design Conference in June
- Creative Suite 5 Update coming soon, says Adobe
- Live Captions: Tips, How-To's, Workarounds
- Mike Rankin's interview with Liza Daly, EPUB expert
- Obscurity of the Week: Create Tagged PDF
News and special offers from our sponsors:
>> Rorohiko's TextExporter is an indispensable InDesign plug-in if ever need to repurpose text content from your InDesign files. Until the end of April, the company is giving away a free license of TextExporter to anyone who donates at least $NZ20 (about $15 US) for either the Japanese or New Zealand earthquake appeals, to any Red Cross society. See this Rorohiko page for instructions and more information.
>> PrePress Center sells eDocker, a wonderful utility program for any InDesign CS4 or CS5 user who exports files to SWF and wants to add page navigation and zoom controls in the browser, among other goodies. Go to (or enter the coupon code indes2011) for $100 off of the eDocker software.
>> In-Tools developed the awesome Reflective Objects plug-in ($59 US), which lets designers specify “align to/away from spine” for objects as well as paragraphs without having to make them anchored objects. If you’ve every had the layout of a left-facing page turn into a mess when it became a right-facing page, this plug-in is for you!
Links mentioned in this podcast:
> April 8 is the last day to get $200 off your registration to our 2011 Print & ePublishing Conference, May 23-25, Washington DC area (Twitter hashtag: #pepcon)
> Fritz's InDesignSecrets Live all-day seminar (use PODCAST146 discount code for $25 off, only 3 available)
> AM's blog post about her new InDesign > EPUB titles includes a free sample movie
> Enter HAH11 promo code to get $100 off registration to the HOW Design Conference in Chicago, June 22-27. (AM's 3-hour InDesign session is on Friday June 24. Here's the full schedule.)
> Liza Daly's company is Threepress Consulting, and their blog is here
> More info on the IDPF and the upcoming EPUB 3 specification
> Liza mentioned Inkling, publication design specialists in digital textbooks
> Adobe's InDesign/Accessibility resource page
> Download David's whitepaper, Creating Accessible PDFs with InDesign CS4 (PDF, 292K)