Cody Norman - Lucky Me

Cody Norman is a Rails consultant, fly fisherman, BBQ connoisseur, and big fan of the state of Colorado. He joins us to share about getting into software development, his journey to consulting, and his mentorship work. We also chat about his product Spot Squid, his plans for Rawhide Ruby, and his upcoming RailsConf talk on Action Mailbox: Attraction Mailbox - Why I love Action Mailbox. Cody also shared post-show that he's developing a course on Action Mailbox!WebsiteTwitterSpot SquidRawhide RubyAction Mailbox Pro courseRelated LinksAgency of LearningThe Startup of YouThe Mom Test

Om Podcasten

Jeremy and Jess interview indie developers who have a passion for the Rails framework and bring their hustle and creativity to building a business. They strive to understand the challenges these developers face and how they are overcoming them to create successful businesses.