Dennis McKenna—Rebooting Yourself with Psychedelics (EP.120)

Dennis McKenna is the founder of the McKenna Academy and has conducted research in ethnopharmacology for over 40 years. He is a founding board member of the Heffter Research Institute, and was a key investigator on the Hoasca Project, the first biomedical investigation of ayahuasca. Important Links: McKenna Academy: ESPD 55 (Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs): Twitter: ICEERS (International Center for Ethno-botanical Education, Research, and Service): Show Notes: ESPD 55 conference Goals of the McKenna Academy How psychedelics affect our relationship with nature Bridging the gap between ancestral and moderns scientific knowledge Psychedelics on the safety scale Nixon’s war against drugs Fear of persecution in the medical community LSD being really responsible for the birth of modern neuroscience DMT reopening the door to clinical research Using psilocybin for end of life applications Psychedelics are not just “band-aids” Dissipation of knowledge among indigenous tribes Reality hallucination Therapeutic utility of psychedelics Future of psychedelic research Making psychedelics more accessible Protecting endangered plants Forming alliances with indigenous communities Books Mentioned: The Immortality Key; by Brian Muraresku How to Change Your Mind; by Michael Pollan Psychology and Alchemy; by Carl Jung

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