The Secret of Joy

This episode is all about defining success on your own terms. What makes you feel rich and alive? Is it having control over your schedule, pursuing your passions, or spending quality time with loved ones? Summer explores how to align your life with your genuine values and create a vision that lights you up. KEY TAKEAWAYS Ditch society's expectations and define success on YOUR terms Get clear on what truly makes you feel rich and fulfilled Practice gratitude for the everyday miracles in your life Honour how far you've come and appreciate the journey Face your fears and limiting beliefs head-on Do the inner work to sort out your mind and emotions Remember: external changes can't bring lasting joy if you're struggling within Align your life with your genuine values and watch the magic unfold BEST MOMENTS  "You have to look at your life and see what makes you feel rich. Is it having the flexibility to wake up and choose how your day looks?" "Gratitude doesn't need to just be being grateful because you have something someone else doesn't, but looking at how rich and fortunate these things make your existence." "The other day, my alarm went off and I knew it was time to get up and train. And I'll be honest, for a split second, I contemplated staying in bed where it's warm and cosy, but my mind quickly flooded with the younger summer, the kid who couldn't wait to grow up and finish school, to get to choose how her day looks, to be able to work out whenever she likes, the kid that couldn't wait to be able to drive." "You cannot run away from yourself, you will never be able to outrun the stuff holding you down. If you don't deal with it, these fears and traumas, pains and belief systems will rule and shape your life." "When you have mastered the mind and got it right, all things will be joyful to you. Otherwise, you can have the world and it will still never be enough." HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

Om Podcasten

Inner Wealth is the place where we break down complex spiritual and self-development topics into digestible truths for a greater existence. Answering questions like ‘Who am I in this world?’ and ‘How do I become happy?’. The real secrets to a rich life: pouring into your mind and soul. Nourishing your evolution, bringing you greater clarity and discipline, resulting in a life where you wake up joyful to be alive. Discussing truths that awaken the light in you, aiding a life of love, peace, and prosperity. This is the podcast where you can evolve your soul and connect with the highest version of yourself, recognising what a gift it is to be here. A place where we understand our power and think on a high level to ensure a fruitful existence. Each episode leaves you energised and encouraged to fulfil everything you set out to do in this world.