09: The Esoterics of Sleep & Dreamtime

Inner Worlds –Welcome to Inner Worlds Episode 9 - The importance of your sleep and your dreams. Sleep is your BEST advice giver, dreams are a portal to your higher-self. Have you ever taken a nap, woken up and everything is fine? The number one place that I find myself finding advice is in my sleep. If you’re looking for a way to process daily life’s constant bombardments, the best solution is to sleep. In this episode of Inner Worlds we chat about everything related to sleep, dreams and astral-realm related. I’ll teach you how to use your sleep to be at your highest frequency while awake. Time Stamp:[2:00] The Importance of Sleep and Your Dreams[5:00] Consulting the Oracle[12:00] What We’re Doing In the Astral Realm[27:00] We Are A Soul Family

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Inner Worlds podcast with Leeor Alexandra, where we study the big, small and the infinite universe through inner-exploration and deep diving into the fascinating minds of special guests. Through free-flowing Conscious Conversations and the solo wanderings of Leeor, you will find your imagination and consciousness expanded to fit in more awe, more self-acceptance, more joy, and ALWAYS more love. Inner Worlds with Leeor Alexandra is a podcast for exploring the micro and the macro of the universe through a multidimensional lens of awareness.