Doug Howarth, Revolutionizing Economics with Hypernomics - Innova.Buzz 605

Our guest in this episode is Doug Howarth, a visionary economist redefining market dynamics with his innovative theory, Hypernomics. In a captivating conversation, Doug shares insights from his journey, illustrating how Hypernomics offers a fresh perspective on economic behavior and strategy. His stories, filled with wisdom and experience, shine a light on the intricate relationship between value, price, and consumer decision-making.Key points discussed include:Hypernomics as a New Economic Dimension: Doug challenges traditional economic models, introducing a multi-dimensional approach to understand market behavior.Practical Applications Across Industries: From aerospace giants to local restaurants, Doug illustrates Hypernomics' versatility in optimizing operations and strategies.The Law of Value Demand: Central to Hypernomics, this law reveals the circular relationship between product features, value, and market dynamics.Listen to the podcast to find out more.

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The InnovaBuzz Podcast explores the minds of innovators, entrepreneurs and creatives. You’ll learn about values, strategies, tactics and mindset from some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.  Join internationally recognised transformational marketing strategist, speaker and podcaster, Dr Jürgen Strauss, The World's Best Human-Centred Podcasting Coach , as he chats with awesome guests who are committed to innovation, service and modern marketing.  Each episode is a conversation with inspiring people who make wonderful contributions to our knowledge in these areas and spark curiosity and ideas to pursue. Gain insight into what makes them ‘tick’, what ‘lights them up’, why they do what they do and what inspiration and value they add to their world.  The Innova.Buzz Podcast is designed for smart businesses that want to stay on top of innovation in order to compete in today's market place!  Subscribe now so you never miss an episode!  Past guests have included Michael E Gerber, Kevin Kelly, Marcus Sheridan, Gill Hicks, Tanya Alvarez, Anastasia Lipske, Gino Wickman, Jeffrey Madoff, Gabrielle Dolan, Mark Schaeffer, Steve Blank, Joey Coleman, Mike Michaelowitz, Ann Janzer, Michele Wucker, Soulaima Gourani, Robin Colucci, Sheryl Plouffe, Kedma Ough, Cathryn Lloyd, Wade Galt, Ramon Ray, Michelle Mazur, David Goldsmith, Todd Cherches, Rita McGrath, Terri Trespicio, Liz Wiseman and so many more wonderful people - over 600 to date!