112: How ChatGPT Started a Profitable Business and Got $100K in Funding

Today, I'm joined by João Santos, the founder of AIsthetic Apparel, a fashion label driven by ChatGPT. This groundbreaking venture has made headlines globally and has been featured in numerous media outlets, including a recent CBS News story. In this episode, João shares his fascinating entrepreneurial journey that all began from a simple tweet by Jackson Fall. He was inspired to start a company with a $1000 initial investment, guiding its path with the help of AI, specifically ChatGPT. His intriguing experiment quickly evolved into a successful venture that caught the attention of millions around the world on LinkedIn. Listen as João details how ChatGPT helped create a comprehensive business plan, from starting a Shopify store to advising on investor fundraising. Discover how he managed to transform this supposed 30-day side experiment into a thriving company, raising a whopping 100,000 Euros and receiving thousands of connection requests within a week. João also discusses other aspiring entrepreneurs who were inspired by the same Jackson Fall tweet. Over 2000 people started a Discord community to build companies with ChatGPT at the helm. João reflects on why his venture stood out amongst these endeavors and underscores the power of storytelling. With his unique blend of excitement, humor, education, and inspiration, João managed to capture the imaginations of people globally. His story highlights the importance of presenting facts in an engaging narrative, an approach that can make all the difference in entrepreneurship. Join us and gain valuable insights and be inspired by João's innovative journey. This is a testament to how AI can revolutionize the business landscape and encourage a new wave of entrepreneurs to take a leap of faith.  

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Did you ever wonder how an innovation got to its finish line? How innovators saw the future, made a product, and created change – in our world and in their companies? I did. Innovation Storytellers invites changemakers to describe how they created their innovation and just as important – THE STORIES – that made us fall in love with them. Come learn how great innovations need great stories to make them move around the world and how to become a better storyteller in the process. I’m Susan Lindner, the Innovation Storyteller. But I wasn’t always. I’ve been a wannabe revolutionary, an epidemiologist at the CDC and an AIDS educator in the brothels of Thailand helping to turn former sex workers into entrepreneurs. Trained as an anthropologist and the Founder of Emerging Media, I’ve spent the last twenty years working with innovators from 60+ countries. Ranging from cutting edge startups to Fortune 100 companies like GE, Corning, Citi, Olayan, and nine foreign governments, helping their leaders to tell their stories and teaching them how to become incredible advocates for their innovations. Great innovation stories make change possible. They let us step into a future we can’t see yet. I started this podcast to shine a light on our generation of great innovators, to learn how they brought their innovation to life and the stories they told to bring them to the world.