Top tips for parents to deal with speech and language development - Inquiry Based Learning with Dr Claire Warden #48

In this episode we examine the issue of speech and language development in young people from the perspective of the parent.Over the last two years we as practitioners have been troubled by what we have witness of social interactions to speech language and communication in early years.The upcoming cohort 4 of the Virtual Nature School is designed to tackle these issues through the lens of nature-based outdoor learning and Floorbooks.To find out more details and register your interest in cohort 4 please visit

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Welcome to Conversations with Claire where we will be having sharing with all our friends around the world looking through the lens of nature pedagogy, discussing the things that matter to us as educators. Today, with over 25 years as an educator and university lecturer, firsthand experience with hundreds of children, many books written, and a PhD in Education, Dr. Warden brings her pioneering child-led, nature-based methods for educators and families worldwide. Whether we're fascinated by the concepts of nature pedagogy, or are really engaged in inquiry-based learning in general, or Floorbooks in particular. Whatever it is that inspires you, we'd love to have a conversation with you in this podcast. The most important thing for me is that all children are on the planet to flourish. The question is, how do we help them do that. How do we encourage those people that are with young children to see that they are very capable and that when we empower them they can be really strong agents for change.