184. How to manage a successful CEO transition
Great CEOs know that the transition to their successor will define their legacy and cement the strength of what they’ve built. We speak with three McKinsey experts about how the best CEOs prepare for the final phase of their tenure. We're joined by Carolyn Dewar, a senior partner in our Bay Area office, Blair Epstein, a partner also based in San Fransisco, and Kurt Strovink, a senior partner in our New York office. Related Insights Sending it forward: Successfully transitioning out of the CEO role CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders From the Rest The CEO Journey Join our LinkedIn community of more than 91,000 members and follow us on X at @McKStrategy. Explore our collection of Inside the Strategy Room episode transcripts on McKinsey.com. Support the show: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/mckinsey-strategy-&-corporate-finance/See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information