Cathey Casey

Please join me this Tuesday, 1:00 pm PST, on my "Insightful Conversations with Del Adey-Jones" Facebook page, as I welcome the extraordinary Cathey Casey. Cathy is a highly skilled & experienced trainer of the 3 Principles Understanding. Her work ranges from corporate -consulting with blue-chip companies, through to the public sector such as health and hospital programs, government organizations, and juvenile and adult criminal justice systems. Cathy is especially known for pioneering the 3 Principles to prison inmates in the California Correctional System. Because of her experience of having a father who is a WW 2 veteran, her current vision is to bring the principles to all veterans of any war. Cathy is currently teaching veterans who are incarcerated

Om Podcasten

Insightful Conversations, with Del Adey-Jones, is a weekly, half-hour show, that focuses on the Psycho/Spiritual Understanding, known as the The 3 Principles. Tune in each week to meet some of the world’s leading 3 Principles Teachers and Practitioners, as they share how this understanding has dramatically improved the quality of their lives and the lives of those they work with.There are no tools, tricks or skills to implement. No mantras or meditations required. Just a simple Understanding of how our experience of life is created from the Inside Out, not the Outside In. This new way of Seeing how life really works, enables us to gain a greater sense of Peace, Love and Joy in our lives, regardless of our external circumstances.