15. Overcoming Achievement Addiction

Calling all achievement addicts! Who are you without your achievements? Who are you without productivity? Who are you without making the most out of every day?   I have hustled for my worthiness for so long. I ran at a super fast pace to achieve the most, do the most, and make the most because I found my worth was wrapped up in those things. It has served me tremendously, but it is also depleted me.   I no longer want my productivity and worthiness to be up to how much I’m able to get done in a day, or in this life.   Thats not to say we won’t achieve great things in the future, or that we won’t decide to be ultra productive, but we’ll do it from a healed and loving place.. not because we’re scrambling to be enough. We already are. We always have been. We always will be. Our worth is without question.   Join me into days episode as I share how I am overcoming my achievement addiction and my deep desire to be supremely productive, so I can INsource my worth as a human on this planet.   See you inside 💥

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Insource Podcast. Together, we’re going to stop being told how to think, look and feel- and instead, go within and BEGIN. I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve gone through life checking the boxes the world told me to - college, smaller body, marriage, house, Botox. I trusted that I was always just one box away from true happiness until I realized it was a fucking hamster wheel. Once I stopped listening to the “experts” and decided the only true expert on me is me, my entire life changed. The Insource Podcast is about learning how to recognize and lean into your internal voice; to learn who YOU are and honoring your discoveries. Get ready to take your journey inside and watch your outside world align to where it was always meant to be. see you inside 💥