2. My Story: How Insourcing Changed My Life
I was born a beautiful baby, full of confidence that my needs mattered. Like most of us, I screamed when I was hungry, tired, uncomfortable or bored. And I was taken care of. But, somewhere over the next few years I learned to look out more than I looked in. I started prioritizing the needs of others over the needs of myself, and because I was a child, this seemed like the right thing to do. I didn’t know any better. But, as an adult I’ve learned that that outside in living led me to abandon and reject myself. And that rejection led to depression and an awful inside voice. It was from the bottom of that black hole that I started my journey of insourcing- of changing the story I had come to believe about myself. And in doing so, I went from a serial dieter who checked all the “right” boxes but found herself depressed and suicidal, to someone who is thriving in her body and life- with 100% certainty that I matter. On todays show I walk you through what my story of insourcing looked like, and I hope you can see some of your own story within mine. See you inside! 💥