49. A Pause for Jane

Episode 49: A Pause for Jane My husband's mom died on Saturday, and nothing has felt right since. I will do another episode on managing though and processing grief at some point, but today I just want to share with you something that has helped me in past times of grief, and I hope that it also brings you some amount of comfort, even if tiny, as you wade through the wreckage of saying a final goodbye to a loved one. Thank you for tuning in. This week, my ask of you is to call your parents, or book the trip, or plan the dinner. I know it's cliche, but these people are so precious, and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.  Love you, now go love your people (and yourselves) well.  Xo

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Insource Podcast. Together, we’re going to stop being told how to think, look and feel- and instead, go within and BEGIN. I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve gone through life checking the boxes the world told me to - college, smaller body, marriage, house, Botox. I trusted that I was always just one box away from true happiness until I realized it was a fucking hamster wheel. Once I stopped listening to the “experts” and decided the only true expert on me is me, my entire life changed. The Insource Podcast is about learning how to recognize and lean into your internal voice; to learn who YOU are and honoring your discoveries. Get ready to take your journey inside and watch your outside world align to where it was always meant to be. see you inside 💥