64: Overcoming Doubt to Pursue Your Dreams

Its a fact of life that some people are not going to like what you have to say or what you do. We’re all driven by different things, we were taught how to behave by different parents with different value systems.   It is also a fact of life that your brain is wired to look for the threats and pay more attention to the boos. But, just because there will always be people who don’t like that way you’re doing it, doesn’t men you shouldn’t.   In todays episode I talk about how to let the doubters and haters be there, but train your brain to focus on those cheering for you to win. Nothing has gone wrong when your brain focuses on the negative, that is what our brains were designed to do. Its kept us alive for all these years. But, most of these “threats” aren’t actually a matter of life and death. So, can we re-direct our brains to focus on the fans you’ve got?   You can stay in your cozy cave where nothing can hurt you, but you miss out on the big beautiful world awaiting you when you step outside your cave and risk being disliked, made fun of, or boo’d. Its up to you to decide what is worth it to you.   Love you, mean it!   See you inside💥   Website: ashliemolstad.com Email: ashlie.molstad@gmail.com IG: @ashliemolstad

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Insource Podcast. Together, we’re going to stop being told how to think, look and feel- and instead, go within and BEGIN. I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve gone through life checking the boxes the world told me to - college, smaller body, marriage, house, Botox. I trusted that I was always just one box away from true happiness until I realized it was a fucking hamster wheel. Once I stopped listening to the “experts” and decided the only true expert on me is me, my entire life changed. The Insource Podcast is about learning how to recognize and lean into your internal voice; to learn who YOU are and honoring your discoveries. Get ready to take your journey inside and watch your outside world align to where it was always meant to be. see you inside 💥