16. How to Enjoy Being You

We are all our own worst critics. And often times that means rejecting parts or all of ourselves for NO GOOD REASON.   In todays episode I walk you through some simple steps you can take to become your own biggest fan. And if you can’t imagine getting to that place yet, at least I can help you start to enjoy being you.   Because its actually TOTALLY POSSIBLE that the things that you’ve told yourself make you sucky, are the VERY things that make you special.   What if you as you are is a thing to be celebrated? What if YOU were the one celebrating it? Wouldn’t that be kinda lovely? Not just for you, but for everyone around you, too. Because you showing up fully and authentically, without shame or shrinking, is a gift you give to yourself, and the whole damn world.   Don’t believe. Hit play!   See you inside 💥

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Insource Podcast. Together, we’re going to stop being told how to think, look and feel- and instead, go within and BEGIN. I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve gone through life checking the boxes the world told me to - college, smaller body, marriage, house, Botox. I trusted that I was always just one box away from true happiness until I realized it was a fucking hamster wheel. Once I stopped listening to the “experts” and decided the only true expert on me is me, my entire life changed. The Insource Podcast is about learning how to recognize and lean into your internal voice; to learn who YOU are and honoring your discoveries. Get ready to take your journey inside and watch your outside world align to where it was always meant to be. see you inside 💥