Greg Athayde | Goals, Age-Grading & Masters Track

Greg Athayde is a 62 year old runner who was born in Uganda and immigrated to Winnipeg, MB with his family in 1972. He discovered track and cross country in junior high and took part all the way through his years at the University of Manitoba. In his 30s & 40s Greg dabbled in road running and even raced several marathons, but more recently he’s gone all-in again on the track. 800m is his favourite event and it turns out he’s just as good at it (if not better!) as a 62 year old than he was...

Om Podcasten

Inspired Soles co-hosts Carolyn Coffin and Kim Sankey bring the communities of trail and road running together as they explore the parallels between running and life. Guests share the wisdom and experience they have gained through running and how it has inspired them to live deeper and more meaningful lives.