Keeping AI in Check: Mary Ellen Callahan

Andy speaks with Mary Ellen Callahan, Assistant Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security's Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Office. They discuss a recent DHS report on reducing the risks of AI accelerating chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. Mary Ellen explains the government's efforts to build consensus among agencies, engage with the private sector, and develop safety standards to combat these emerging AI-driven threats. 

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Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell and former CIA Chief Operating Officer Andy Makridis interview top national security leaders -- intelligence officers, military leaders, and policymakers -- on the most critical security challenges of our time. Their interviews offer insights into the world's most pressing problems as well as the effectiveness of the U.S. policy response. They also delve into the biographies and careers of the individuals who have devoted their lives to protecting our nation.