E41 El Noroeste del Pacífico

Send me a text message The Pacific Northwest Coast is a geographic region in western North America bounded by the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean to the west. Though no official boundary exists, the most common conception includes the U.S. states of California, Oregon, Washington, and the Canadian province of British Columbia. Few areas of the United States are as diversely beautiful as the Pacific Northwest. You probably know about the foggy beaches and wooded mountains, but that’s jus...

Om Podcasten

For intermediate Spanish language learners (A2 - C2) Improve your Spanish language listening comprehension skills and immerse yourself in interesting stories on various topics in Spanish (Mexico) spoken at a slower pace to increase understanding of oral language and build vocabulary. No grammar lessons, just stories.You can find the free transcript on the website, in the tab behind the description.  You can contact me via email: at InterSpanishpodcast@gmail.com and visit my socials on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Website: https://interspanish.buzzsprout.com