E49 El Día de los Reyes Magos

Send me a text message The día de Los Reyes is better known as the feast of Epiphany in English. Los Reyes Magos – known as the Three Wise Men, or Three Kings in English – are three men who followed the North Star to the town of Bethlehem to welcome baby Jesus into the world. Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltasar traveled from a faraway place to gift the Son of God with gold, incense, and myrrh. While children in everywhere received their presents on Christmas day, those living in México and o...

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For intermediate Spanish language learners (A2 - C2) Improve your Spanish language listening comprehension skills and immerse yourself in interesting stories on various topics in Spanish (Mexico) spoken at a slower pace to increase understanding of oral language and build vocabulary. No grammar lessons, just stories.You can find the free transcript on the website, in the tab behind the description.  You can contact me via email: at InterSpanishpodcast@gmail.com and visit my socials on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Website: https://interspanish.buzzsprout.com