E62 Tláloc: El Señor de las Tormentas

Send me a text message During February 2024, the latest storm brought 1.99 inches of rain to Southern California so far, bringing this month’s total rainfall to 12.56 inches. The latest storm dropped 1.99 inches of rain in downtown Los Angeles and it makes it the fourth wettest February in downtown Los Angeles since 1877 when records first were reported. The monster storm triggered hundreds of mudslides across Los Angeles. Why do they happen? Our story takes 500 years to the past b...

Om Podcasten

For intermediate Spanish language learners (A2 - C2) Improve your Spanish language listening comprehension skills and immerse yourself in interesting stories on various topics in Spanish (Mexico) spoken at a slower pace to increase understanding of oral language and build vocabulary. No grammar lessons, just stories.You can find the free transcript on the website, in the tab behind the description.  You can contact me via email: at InterSpanishpodcast@gmail.com and visit my socials on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Website: https://interspanish.buzzsprout.com