Black Lives Matter. Everyday. Everywhere.

These discussions shouldn’t be necessary in the world. But the sad reality is that bigotry and abuse are part of the societal constructs in which we find ourselves living in. The world will be forever grateful when we all start treating each other as what we are, Human. Without race, religion, without your place of birth being of any relevance to who you are as a person and how you should be treated. If more of the ones in power and influence speak up, we can rise above these issues and live in equality and harmony with each other. It is the moral responsibility of those that benefit the most from society to take an active role in enhancing the voices of the unheard and fueling the movement of positive change. You can follow Rayde and Luis on every social platform as @RaydeLuisBT & @LuimaBT Follow The Connect on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

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Intersections podcast dives into the overlapping layers of brand partnerships, and the overall sports and entertainment business world. The Connect is Rayde Luis Baez. Rayde Luis Baez, is a Dominican born, passionate partnership builder based in Europe with strong relations with the top brands and properties across the world. Find out more at: