Our thoughts on Google's new FREE interview practice tool

In case you missed it, Google has released a new free interview warm up tool that allows you to 'practice key questions, get insight about your answers, and get more comfortable interviewing.' But is it endorsed by Sarah & Emma?In this week’s episode, we discuss the tools strengths, weaknesses, and who is most likely to benefit (hint - certain industries will find it MUCH more valuable)!🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Colton who bought us 10 coffees! "Thank you for all your support through the interview process. I stumbled upon your profile because I was trying to find a way not to feel guilty when going to the gym instead of applying to jobs. Sometimes I just didn't have the strength to keep applying to jobs but I could turn on your podcast so I could keep moving the needle forward. What I didn't realise is that over the months of listening to just about every possible episode, I was ready for the interview process and could go forward confidently. I just got done with 6 rounds of interviews for one job and am one of the final two being considered for the position. I know how to follow up, knew what to listen to before and after, how decisions are made behind the scenes, the psychology tips and tricks, dealing with the mental anguish of the job search. I'm so grateful for you and just know that every time I was feeling anxious or in my head, your podcast brought me back to the present. Thank you, Colton."☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 💌  Follow us on Instagram💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resourceswww.interviewboss.com.auMentioned in this episode:Interview Warmup - Grow with Google

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Interview Boss hosted by sisters Emma and Sarah Smith. This podcast is all about providing advice, inspiration and support for job seekers. Whether you're between jobs, or looking for your dream promotion, we're here to give you the tips, tricks and behind the scenes knowledge you need to be the boss of your career. We'll dive deep in to all things resume, cover letter, job application, job search strategy, interviews and offer negotiations. We're going to bring you a mix of advice shows, interviews with influential hiring managers, as well as job seeker stories all to help you during your job hunt. Hit subscribe, and get ready to be the BOSS of your career.